
Our Mission

At Empowered Dentist, we understand the balancing act that dentists face between running a successful practice, continuing education, family, friends, and time for yourself. We understand because we have been there. Our mission is to take back your life! Ignite your practice with our dynamic leadership and business strategies. Harness efficiency, turbocharge profitability, spark extraordinary patient experiences, and fuel your practice's transformative growth.


Schedule your complimentary first session and TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE!


How can we help you?

Are you feeling burned out? Tired of the same problems happening over and over? Take back your life!


Executive Dentist Coaching

Empower your practice with Executive Coaching from Empowered Dentist. Boost income, reduce stress, balance life and work, and rekindle passion. Elevate your life today!


Dental Consulting

Expert Guidance, Tailored Solutions, and Continuous Support for Your Practice's Success

1:1 Virtual Sessions

Receive expert guidance and support tailored to your dental practice's needs, all from the comfort of your home or office.


I invite you to schedule a call with me to re-discover your dreams and make your life and your practice the envy of your colleagues and friends.

Tune-In to the EMPOWERED DENTIST Podcast Available on these platforms

Empowered Dentist

Why choose us?

Because you are the hero of your story, we are humbly your guide. We don't give you all the answers, we help you develop the skills to define and solve whatever gets thrown at you.



I highly recommend Empowered Dentist to any dental professional looking to grow their practice and overcome challenges. Their comprehensive services, personalized approach, and unwavering support have made all the difference for my dental practice.
Robert D.
Our patient retention rate has increased, and our team is more motivated and efficient than ever. The Empowered Dentist team has been instrumental in helping us achieve our goals and fostering a positive work environment.
Adam R.
The 1:1 Virtual Sessions were a game-changer for me, as they allowed me to receive personalized coaching without disrupting my busy schedule. I found it incredibly convenient and beneficial to discuss my concerns and get expert advice in real-time, all from the comfort of my office.
Jimmy W.
From the moment I reached out, the team at Empowered Dentist was incredibly supportive and attentive. They took the time to understand my practice's unique needs and concerns, crafting a customized action plan that addressed our most pressing issues. Their expertise in clinical excellence, marketing, and team development proved invaluable, as they guided us through implementing new strategies and techniques.
Ian R.
Before partnering with Empowered Dentist, my dental practice was struggling to keep up with the competition and faced numerous challenges, including low patient retention and an overwhelmed team. I felt lost and unsure of how to turn things around. That's when I discovered Empowered Dentist's Dental Practice Analysis and Coaching Services.
Emma P.
I highly recommend Empowered Dentist to any dental professional looking to grow their practice and overcome challenges. Their comprehensive services, personalized approach, and unwavering support have made all the difference for my dental practice.
Robert D.
Our patient retention rate has increased, and our team is more motivated and efficient than ever. The Empowered Dentist team has been instrumental in helping us achieve our goals and fostering a positive work environment.
Adam R.
The 1:1 Virtual Sessions were a game-changer for me, as they allowed me to receive personalized coaching without disrupting my busy schedule. I found it incredibly convenient and beneficial to discuss my concerns and get expert advice in real-time, all from the comfort of my office.
Jimmy W.
Our Leadership

Meet Brad Braman,

Founder + President of Empowered Dentist

Growing up as the son and grandson of dentists showed me what an incredible profession dentistry is for providing a great living while having the time to enjoy life. Because of this, I had ample opportunity to learn many hobbies and explored all sorts of careers, finally settling on dentistry. After earning a B.S. in Biology from Oregon State University, I graduated from Oregon Health Science University with my D.M.D.

After practicing for six years I developed a tremor so I sold my practice. Shortly thereafter, I earned a MBA in Healthcare management from Oregon Health Sciences University and began my coaching career with dentists, which I have done for the last 8 years. Last year I completed the Co Active coaching curriculum and became a coactive coach. Currently, I am working on my International Coaching Federation (ICF) certification through Hudson Institute of Coaching.

It is immeasurably rewarding to help doctors and teams become the hero of their story by becoming more profitable, having significantly more time off, working more effectively together, delivering an exquisite patient experience, and truly enjoying their career again.

In my spare time, I enjoy traveling with my wife and Old English Sheepdog Poppy, fishing, motorcycling, reading voraciously about business and longevity, and doing Crossfit.

Empowered Dentist

Create a practice that allows you to enjoy more of life

Brad Braman can show you the path to creating a profitable practice, balanced life and more joy.

Schedule your call today!


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